Tijdens je vrijwillige stage in Ghana krijg je de kans om te helpen met bevallingen evenals de kans om je bezig te houden met aanstaande moeders in pre- en postnatale zorg. In ons partnerziekenhuis zie je complicaties en operaties bij bevallingen, waar in de klinieken natuurlijke geboortes vaker voorkomen. Om culturele redenen zul je ook vrouwen zien die in volledige stilte bevallen: een fascinerende culturele traditie. In je vrije tijd kun je zwemmen in de watervallen van de Volta-regio, wilde dieren volgen in Mole Game Park en nog veel meer. Hieronder lees je de ervaringen van andere studenten!
Andrea Huber
University of Graz 2022
"They didn’t give oxygen as quickly as we would, so the first five minutes after birth always felt more like half an hour."
Lees MeerLeah Goodspeed
University of Southampton 2022
"The staff in general were relaxed in their approach to most things. Even if there was an emergency, you would see staff walking over in no particular rush."
Lees MeerHolly Atkinson
University of Huddersfield 2021
"The baby started coming down and as it did, the local midwife started to pull the baby out - something we would never do at home during a normal birth."
Lees MeerMegan Smith
Canterbury Christ Church University 2019
"I'm so proud of myself for grabbing this experience with both hands and going for it."
Lees MeerClare Briggs
University of Huddersfield 2018
"For anyone considering an elective abroad, I would recommend the experience without hesitation."
Lees MeerErin and Caroline Bonett
University of Newcastle 2018
"I saw a twin cesarean section at 29 weeks and a baby born in the sac."
Lees MeerCarleen Simpson
Swansea University 2017
"If you are contemplating a Midwifery elective with Work the World… stop reading, and start planning!"
Lees Meer