Hier in Iloilo zijn gezinnen verantwoordelijk voor het wassen en voeden van patiënten, waardoor je vooral de meer cruciale taken uit zult voeren. Een favoriet van andere studenten is het werken in de dierenbetenkliniek, waar je getuige bent van de behandeling van hondsdolheid, náást alle andere onbekende ziektes die je tegenkomt. Na je werk kun je ervaren hoe het is om ‘levend gekookt’ te worden in een Kawa warmwaterbron of je kunt walvissen kijken voor de kust van Cebu. Lees hieronder alle ervaringen van onze studenten!
Emily Tester
University of Nottingham 2015
"There’s so much to learn here, so don’t turn down learning experiences".
Lees MeerAlex Warriner
University of Edinburgh 2015
The hospital staff made a huge effort to make us feel welcome.
Lees MeerRujeko Chiteme
London South Bank University 2015
It was amazing to see how the people live their lives and see how healthcare works
Lees MeerAshleigh Buncombe-Paul
London South Bank University 2015
It was nice living with the host family and living how they would live.
Lees MeerManit Grewal
University of Alberta 2015
Being in the house with people from all around the world was amazing. I have made so many new friends in almost every country possible.
Lees MeerStephanie Maselli
Charles Darwin University 2015
The second week I spent two days in OB which was amazing – seeing multiple births and C sections
Lees MeerLouise Davidson
Edinburgh Napier University 2015
My time on the Village Healthcare Experience on the island was absolutely amazing
Lees MeerLaura Thompson
Staffordshire University 2015
I feel it is better to go without knowing anything so then you can really appreciate the “shock” factor
Lees MeerBethany Brockbank
University of Cumbria 2014
The Work the World team made me feel much more confident and well prepared before departure
Lees MeerEmy Van Der Harg
University of Southampton 2014
It is the best thing I have ever done and I gained so much from the trip
Lees Meer