Je vrijwillige stage in Kandy is uniek om een aantal redenen. Je kunt tijdens je verblijf kennis opdoen bij een aantal lokale specialisten en je kunt ervaring opdoen bij een reeks verschillende afdelingen. Daarnaast zul je zeldzame aandoeningen, zoals knokkelkoorts, tuberculose en andere aandoeningen in een vergevorderd stadium voorbij zien komen. Je hebt ook de kans om jaguars en luipaarden te spotten op een lokale safari, over een angstaanjagend snelle rivier te raften en nog veel meer. Lees hieronder de ervaringen van onze studenten!
Alecia Gillett
University of Salford 2012
I came home a different person and know it’s the best thing I’ve ever done
Lees MeerJanine Stevens
Central Lancashire University (UCLAN) 2012
Work the World has offered us a insight into the healthcare system of a developing country, which has inspired us enormously
Lees MeerEmily Hetherington
University of Manchester 2012
Placement was such a great experience. I learnt skills during my time on all three wards that university could never teach me. The one thing I regret not doing was the Ayurvedic week, all my friends came back from going and said it was the best thing they did. If I had my trip again I would have gone there 100%.
Lees MeerSarah Farmer
University of Birmingham 2012
During the four weeks I tried surfing, white water rafting, safari in a national park
Lees MeerIsobel Watton
University of Birmingham 2012
Culture was also evident in the day to day running of the general hospital, as although there are similarities between UK nursing and Sri Lankan nursing there were also differences. For example, instead of just doing IV’s for your patients, you had one nurse doing all of the IV’s.
Lees MeerCarys Wilkinson
University of Manchester 2012
From my time in Kandy I really got to see the role of the Sri Lankan nurse in comparison to the UK.
Lees MeerAlison Mann
University of Southampton 2011
It was an incredible experience both as an elective placement and as a life experience
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